In the context of EW-DOS, an Asset is a digital representation of a physical or virtual device on the Energy Web Chain. An Asset could represent, for example, a solar PV panel, a battery, an electric vehicle, or an IOT device.
To read more about about Assets in EW-DOS, see the documentation.
The IAM Client Library contains the high-level functions for managing (registering, fetching, transferring ownership, etc.) Assets and their corresponding data.
When a user registers an Asset using the registerAsset method, the user automatically becomes the owner of the Asset. Using the methods in the IAM client library:
- The Asset owner can make an offer to transfer ownership of the Asset to another address.
- The offeree can accept or reject the offer of Asset ownership.
- The offerer can cancel the ownership offer request at any time before the offer is accepted.
Public APIs:
- registerAsset: Register Asset to the user who initiates the method. This creates a record of the Asset on the Energy Web Chain.
- getAssetById: Fetch an Asset by its DID.
- getAssetHistory: Fetch an Asset's history by its DID.
- getOfferedAssets: Fetch all Assets offered to a given DID. These are Assets that have been offered to the user, but not yet confirmed.
- getOwnedAssets: Fetch all Assets owned by a given DID.
- getPreviouslyOwnedAssets: Fetch all Assets previously owned by a given DID.
- offerAsset: Offer an Asset to a given address.
- rejectAssetOffer: Reject Asset ownership that has been offered to you as a user.